The in office teeth whitening quickly brightens your smile. Once we have determined that the in office whitening is right for you, we may begin by thoroughly removing any plaque and tartar from your teeth. Then We'll start the whitening process with protective glasses, a lip retractor, and a cream or lotion to shield your eyes, lips, and face.
We'll then isolate the teeth and protect your gums by applying a special protective material to the gum tissue or by placing a rubber dam.Next, we paint the whitening gel onto your teeth, while you relax in the chair, we shine a light or laser onto the teeth. We may repeat this cycle several times.
Since every case is different, we carefully evaluate your individual results. Your new smile will lighten, on average, about 6 to 10 shades. We may sometimes recommed a flouride treatment, additional bleaching at home, or another session here in our office. We'll also give you instructions for taking care of your new smile and for handling any post-whitening sensitivity.
Power whitening is a safe and effective technology that can help give you a beautiful new smile, all in one appointment.
In Office Teeth Whitening special!
Dr. Daniel R. Pestana D.D.S., (925)945-8006, Walnut Creek, CA 94598